Spotify quiz uses algorithms to recommend the perfect podcastsSpotify quiz uses algorithms to recommend the perfect podcasts

Spotify helps users in several markets find new podcasts that tend to enjoy based on their tastes. The company has introduced a new recommendation tool called Find one that asks users to answer a few questions, then show them the recommendations of podcasts that they might enjoy based on their music preferences.

Spotify found one online quiz asking for only a few questions, each related to the answer you provided for the previous question. The answer narrows podcasts that you might enjoy based on your response, including whether you prefer audio performances that are lighter or serious and the topic you want.

Users who are not interested in suggested events can choose the option ‘Show more’ for several other podcast recommendations. There is also an option to reclaim the quiz, which is arguably not suitable to find a new show – the question is broad, and remembering how little the response you gave, it seems like a decent way to potentially find a new show.

The recommended show also seems to be a popular offer, which is popular, podcast diehard fans may have heard like “radiolab” and “my favorite murder.” Assuming the recommendation is not in accordance with your wishes, there is a menu tab where the user can narrow the recommendation manually by selecting a different genre.

According to Spotify, the algorithm has gathered enough data to find that music appetite and podcast preferences are often linked. For example, pop fans are more likely to listen to talk shows, while the BTS and Queen fans are mostly listed for podcasts about the artists.

By deepak

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