Gaming InfluencersGaming Influencers

Within the realm of lifestyle, fashion health, and even beauty bloggers and influencers, gaming influencers are not that common choice for collaboration. However, with the gaming world becoming the new hotspot in the industry, you would be outdated to think you don’t need gaming influencers.

These are the new brands of influencers taking social media by storm. So in case, you’re planning to launch a game or a gaming platform, it’s high time that you think of collaborating with the likes of Pewdiepie. If you have not heard that name, you should surely reconsider being in the business of games.

Pewdiepie is a gamer with over 10 million subscribers on YouTube has worked with brands like Razer Kraken and Volvo. But it does not end here. He is also one of the wealthiest YouTube influencers, and that too as a gaming influencer.

If you are still thinking about investing in giving me an influencer and collaborating with them, here is a figure. By 2021 end the gaming industry is estimated to have reached US$ 180 billion. When you combine this figure with the fact that 71% of customers prefer the word of influencers instead of other sources, you are in a situation to have the best of both worlds.

What Makes Marketing With Gaming Influencers Special?

Why not leverage this unique opportunity and create a brand that stands out as a marketer. Also, marketing with influencers who are into gaming will open the route of engaging with an audience that is already not brimming with influencers. For example, the competition is much higher when you go the traditional way of influencer marketing via the most often used platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

With gaming influences, you will be looking into some unconventional avenues to connect with the target audience and develop a chance to engage with the potential customers straightforwardly. Additionally, gaming influencers are unknown for offering a direct and passionate demonstration of products on YouTube or Twitch.

Gaming influencers are the most passionate and enthusiastic gamers who have become influencers. As a result, they are better positioned to create unique content that can range from short, long, or medium format. They are also quite comfortable with live streaming and pre-recorded videos.

As a result, gaming influencers are already pro in creating content that is engaging. A platform like Twitch, the space of choice for gaming influencers, can offer more creative and novel ways of connecting with the audience. It can include features like community involvement, live audience interaction with the influencer, conducting virtual tournaments panels discussions, and virtual events with an immersive experience.

Similarly, YouTube can also be used in various formats where the influencer gives clean, simple demos of the product to create full-length live-action productions of storytelling and creative critiquing of game order products. In both cases, the gaming influencers’ marketing can play a crucial role in exciting the target audience with improved engagement.

When it comes to marketing with gaming influencers, the limit and the uniqueness of the marketing totally depends on the creative vision, the boundaries that the marketing team is willing to push with the influences, and the budget. You don’t always have to invest in a gaming brand to collaborate with gaming influencers.

Top 5 Reasons To Work With Gaming Influencers 

If you are still not convinced on why you should be working with gaming influencers, here are 5 top reasons for doing that.

  1. Most social

One thing that everyone agrees to is that gamers spend most of their time online and build their community with like-minded people. So if you are thinking of engaging the most people on the social media platform, gaming influencers is your answer.

  1. Close-knit community

If you want your product to become relevant and the social media channel and talked about mainly if it is for a niche audience, these people are your best collaborators. They have a close-knit community that talks about their personal preferences and likings, which often develops into new trends.

  1. Cost-effective

compared to even Instagram micro-influencers, the rates quoted by gaming influencers are much more affordable. Furthermore, they’re happy to negotiate, and in exchange for endorsing a brand, they may ask for software for hardware related to gaming.

  1. Creating more content 

Since gaming influences huge social media channels like YouTube and Twitch, which are primarily video-based platforms, it gives you and your gaming influencer collaborator the chance to create multiple and unique content with a single product. So, for example, for a product, there can be an unboxing video, reviews, user experience the name of you.

  1. Adding meaningful content 

In fact, now advertisements are no longer considered entertaining. This allows you to have a marketing strategy with the help of giving influencers that can add value and likeability to the customers. Additionally, gamers are known for creating entertaining content by themselves. This means while you focus on your marketing strategy, they can develop new ideas and take care of all the editing and other hassles involved with creating video content.

The End Game

There are over 50 gaming influencers ready to play the game with you, provided you are willing to collaborate. If you are thinking of finding a gaming influencer for your product or brand, contact us, and we will start the ball rolling.




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