Blue Origin is a ‘toxic environment,' current and ex-employees sayVAN HORN, TEXAS - JULY 20Blue Origin is a ‘toxic environment,' current and ex-employees say : Blue Origin’s New Shepard crew (L-R) Jeff Bezos, Wally Funk, Oliver Daemen, and Mark Bezos walk near the booster to pose for a picture after flying into space in the Blue Origin New Shepard rocket on July 20, 2021 in Van Horn, Texas. Mr. Bezos and the crew were the first human spaceflight for the company. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

A group of former blue employees and currently accuses the company to foster “toxic environment.” In the essay written by former Head of Communication of Alexandra Abrams Employees and 20 Joint authors, the group claimed some senior leaders in Blue Origin “have been known consistently incompatible women.”

The essay states that an executive has been reported to human resources several times for sexual harassment. Another former exception uses a demeaning language to women and asks inappropriately about their personal lives. The group said that the person had a “close personal relationship” with the original original founder of Jeff Bezos and was only removed from the company after groping a woman’s subordinate.

“We found many company leaders could not be approached and show clear bias towards women,” the group wrote. “Concerns related to the Flying New Shepard are consistently closed, and women are humbled to raise them.” This essay details several examples of how men and women are treated differently in new origin, like a man who received a lost party after being fired and a woman leader released to leave the place immediately.

“The workforce dedicated to building the future ‘for all’ is mostly male and very white,” the group said. “One hundred percent of technical leaders and senior programs are men.”

This group details other concerns, such as blue origin who ignores the problem of safety and environment. The authors said, for example, that despite the company’s mission to “build a better world,” none of them “have seen blue origin setting a concrete plan to become neutral carbon or significantly reduce the trace of its large environment.”

They said that “professional dissent” was held back, with CEO Bob Smith asked one of the groups not to facilitate workers to ask questions during the city hall throughout the company. The essay writer states that Smith requests a list of “troublemakers or agitators” in the company so that senior leaders can “speak” with those in their division.

In addition, essays refer to the worst historical race between Bezos, Elon Musk and Richard Branson. “Compete with other billionaires – and ‘make progress for Jeff’ – it seems precedent for security issues that will slow down schedules,” said the author.

The group concluded the essay by saying that Bezos and other blue leaders must be held to take into account and learn how to run a respectful and responsible company. “In our experience, the blue culture of origin sitting on the foundation that ignores the fate of our planet, close the eyes to sexism, not enough to be in harmony with security issues, and silencing those who try to correct errors,” they wrote. “It’s not a world that we have to create on earth and of course not as a better stepping stone.”

By deepak

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