Microsoft Store to soon offer Opera browser, Epic Games StoreMicrosoft Store to soon offer Opera browser, Epic Games Store

The application store is a hot topic today because of how big children allegedly used their position to monopolize the mobile application market. To a certain extent, Microsoft has the opposite problem. It cannot even be accused of having a monopoly because the Microsoft Store App Marketplace is not exactly full of exclusive, and developers can always take their application elsewhere. For Windows 11, Microsoft works to lure even rivals to put their items in the shop, even if it means accommodating a third-party application store that will not be taxed.

Microsoft has announced changes to the Microsoft Store platform to encourage anyone and everyone to fill the city,maybe even up to have a little quality control. From lowering income cuts to allow third party payment systems, Microsoft does all that can prove that it is not like Apple or Google in this case. And whatever way is better to show it than by naming a big rival who now calls Microsoft to save their alternative homes.

The Epic Games Store will come to Microsoft Store and will be found through search, which almost sounds like Jab on Apple. It not only proves that Microsoft is open to have another storefront in the store, but it is also a way to reaffirm its openness with a third party trading platform, A.K.A. payment system. That’s pretty much the biggest complaint owned by Epic Games with Apple which leads to a high profile lawsuit, and its presence in Microsoft Store speaks volume.

Microsoft also welcomed the Opera and Yandex browser, which is a more refined attack against Apple and even Google. The latter second cellular platform allows web browsers that compete in their stores only if they use an approved browsing machine. Strangely, Google Chrome is still absent after being removed from the store back in 2017 under the “Old” Microsoft Store policy.

Microsoft provides a list of new laundry applications now in our shop, both desktop applications such as LibreOffice and Progressive Web applications (PWAS) like Tiktok. It also reminds Windows users that the Amazon Android AppStore will soon land there, although there are still many open questions about their implementation and appearance.

By deepak

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